lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


by 4th level 
of Primary Education.


I'm the shoemaker. I'm mending shoes.

I'm the narrator. I'm telling the story.

I'm the nurse. I need my heels.

I'm the baker.

I'm the shoemaker's wife.

I'm the farmer. I need my boots.

We are elves.

I'm a richman.

Narrator: This is the shoemaker. He's very old. He mends boots and shoes. He's got a lot of work. He's very tired.
Farmer: I want my boots.
Baker: I want my shoes.
Nurse: I want my heels. 
Shoemaker: Come back tomorrow.

Narrator: The shoemaker is very tired. He falls asleep. His wife isn't very happy.
Wife: Come on, do your work! We haven't got any money.
Shoemaker: I can't mend the boots for the farmer. I can't mend the shoes for the baker. I can't mend the heels for the nurse. I'm very tired.

Narrator: The next morning...
Shoemaker: Wife, wife! Look at the boots, and the shoes... and the heels!
Wife: That's incredible! That's fantastic!

Farmer: My boots are great. Here's your money.
Baker: My shoes are brilliant. Here's your money.
Nurse: My heels are perfect. Here's your money.

Wife: Let's see what happens tonight. We can hide behind the door.
Narrator: So they hide and wait...

Narrator: Three small elves climb in the window. They are very poor.
Elf 1: We can mend these boots...
Elf 2: and the shoes...
Elf 3: and the heels.
Elf 1: Then, we can get money for new clothes.

Narrator: The next day a rich man sees the boots and shoes...and the heels.
Richman: I love these boots... and the shoes... and the heels for my wife! Here's some money.
Shoemaker: We are rich now!
Wife: Let's make the elves some new clothes.

Narrator: That night the shoemaker and his wife hide behind the door again.
Elf 1: What a beautiful jumper!
Elves 2 and 3: What a beautiful bag!

Narrator: The shoemaker and his wife never see the elves again, but they live happily ever after.
Shoemaker: I'm rich!
Wife: and I'm happy!

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014